Monday, November 28, 2011

Carrier of the Mark

If you like "Girl moves to a new town and meets  mysterious boy that everyone warns her not to get involved with" (does this sound familiar?) type of stories, then this one is for you.

Meg's father moves yearly because of his profession, but when she moves to Ireland, she finally seems to fit in with new friends and at school. Then she meets Adam, a strange and handsome boy that isn't interested in any school girls until he meets Meg. Over their next few weeks, Meg falls in love with Adam and learns of her destiny in Druid folklore, only to discover that her love for Adam could destroy the world. How many times is this going to happen in teens series? I mean seriously, I get tired of the "Don't hook up! Your spawn will kill us all!" message.

This is the first book from Leigh Fallon and it shows. That's not to say it isn't good, because it was, it's just simplistically written. There is not a lot of foreshadowing, but I think with time, her writing will grow. I really liked the originality of the Druid story line, but the "Edward/Bella" type love story between the two main characters was a little tedious. A prep course in genetics wouldn't be half bad either considering they dive into royal blood lines, carriers, and neutral gene markers.

Over all, I would recommend it as a quick read for an older teen because this couple spends quite a bit of time together (in her room and his) and her father openly recommends premarital sex as being as okay as long as it's with someone special. I say this hoping that older teens realize that waiting is the better option, like Meg, who says they haven't known each other long enough and it's better to wait. (Which all teens believe is the case with any given partner.) Give it a try and let me now what you think.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Do we really need to tell everyone everything?

The Future of Us has an interesting story line that I had to check out for myself. The book is set in 1996 and Emma and Josh are about to load AOL onto a computer for the first time. After they log on however, they find themselves on a mysterious website called 'Facebook'. To their surprise they find the profiles of their future selves. Josh seems to have it made in the future, beautiful wife, big house, but Emma isn't too happy about how things turned out. As soon as she realizes that she's seeing her future self she sets her sights on changing the present in an attempt to create a better life.

This was a quick read and the story was definitely different. Their reactions to Facebook made me think though. They couldn't understand why people were posting things that seemed very personal for anyone to read. It seems natural today to post almost anything on Facebook, maybe even things that you wouldn't say in person but are easy to type out. But sometimes we really don't need to know every little detail of what's going on in someone's life. Some things are just better left unsaid. Besides, what do you talk about when you get together with your friends if you've already posted anything interesting that's happened to you on Facebook? From now on I know I'll think twice before posting a status update about every inane thought that comes to mind.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Is nothing sacred anymore?

If you're anything like me, (and hopefully you're not) you have a mortal fear of dentistry. I mean, who in their right mind wants to stick their fingers in peoples mouths all day. Bleack! My fear is so great that I obsess for days about having to go, what they're going to say, and how much work I'm going to have done. I have worn headphones to the dentist since I was 15. At some point I will either have hearing damage from my music or mouth cancer from all the x-rays. As a child my molars would grow in with cavities and I don't even want to think of what I've spent over the years. Probably enough for a 8 month vacation to Forks, WA.

Unfortunately, I had to go for a cleaning today which went really well when they finally decided to call me back. I arrived at the standard fifteen minutes before my appointment time of 12 pm, hoping to get called back early and make it back to the library without burning too much sick time. After checking in, I started a new YA book (Dead is Not an Option) and waited. And waited. And waited. Suddenly, my patient "waiting/reading to pass the fear time" is interrupted.

The man sitting across from me asks out of the blue, "Did you go see that new vampire movie yet?" To which I replied, "Yes, I saw it at midnight on Thursday night." What gave me away? Was my Twilight bag, various Twilight/Vampire buttons, Bella hat (that I crocheted to match her's in Eclipse), or my "I heart Fangs" button on my jacket. I continued to answer his questions and complaints about the film, specifically that they ended it wrong. I informed him that they ended it the same way the chapter ends in the book and that they had to cut the movie in two somewhere. At this, he got up and walked away. Don't mess with a Twerd, you'll never win.

At this break, I decided to ask if my dentist was running behind (it's 12:10 by this time). "No," the receptionist replied, "They'll be to get you in a minute." So I sit back down and continue to read. Not two minutes later a woman and her screaming three year old have a seat and fight for the next twenty minutes. I couldn't hear myself think, let alone read. He's so loud that I hear the pharmacy window slam shut and the tech yell, "I can't hear my phone call over that." And yes, I did say twenty minutes later a second ago. It is now 12:30 and my nerves are shot. I just want to get this over with and get out of here!! Right as I get ready to reschedule, the hygienist calls me back.

"What kept you? Was 12 to early?,"  nice hygiene lady asks me. Excuse me? Is she accusing me of being late? One thing you should know is that I am NEVER late to an appointment. People's time is valuable, which is why appointments are made and confirmed. "No, I've been waiting here for 40 minutes to be called back," is my reply because I'm too mad to say anything else. "Well, the receptionist said you just got here, so I came to get you, you don't need to be back at work soon do you?" Again, is my time not sacred enough, or is theirs just more important?

By the time I get into the chair, remind her that the polish will kill me if they use it because it's dyed red, tell her I need to get back to work, get my teeth cleaned with toothpaste (which I do twice a day already), and have my ear drums blown out by Muse, my fear is no where to be found. Can I not come to the dentist like a scared little girl anymore? It's the only response I know. I don't know how to act like a good quiet patient. Huh, maybe I can grow up after all.

And hopefully the next time I return, screaming demon child will have grown up a little more too and not be hitting his mommy anymore and Mr. "I know how all movies should be made" will pick up a book and learn what really goes on in a story. And maybe, just maybe the cosmos will decide next time to let me keep my reading interrupted, my hearing in one piece, and my fear in complete and utter chaos, as is how all things should be.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Breaking Dawn is Breaking Down

Well, for starters, in my humble, yet vampire obsessed opinion, "Breaking Dawn" was a really good movie (for what it is mind you). That being said, it was definitely better than the last three films, especially if you take Jasper's hair into account. Taylor Lautner did a great job of portraying Jacob's mixed bag of emotions while Rob Pattinson pulls off a pretty good vampire in shock. And giddy up can we say that Kristin Stewart actually acted in this one? Yes we can. I offended a lady at the movie the other night after commenting that Bella looked like a Stepford wife in all the advertising and that I hoped she did a better job in this one. She actually got up and moved two seats down from me! The movie was shot well and the screenwriters actually stuck to the book with this movie, except for one scene, but it worked. Oh well.....anyway.

If you are a Twihard mom in her forties who likes to lust after men half your age, this movie is for you! Taylor takes off his shirt...again and we also get to see Rob (Whoot! Whoot!) in swim trunks.

If you are a Twihard teen that believes a real Edward is out there with all the money and love in the world to take away your problems and has the ability to make you live forever, I have a newsflash for you...get used to disappointment! No man on planet Earth is EVER going to live up to Edward's level of adoration for Bella, however, this movie is for you...apparently.

So enjoy the movie and like me go see it few more times, buy the DVD when it comes out, and curse the film maker that decided it would be a good idea to wait a year to release the last movie. Until then, enjoy Damon Salvatore every Thursday night on the CW!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hell hath frozen over

I am not an electrician.....

I had a gentleman call today to inform me that he was "sitting in his car in our parking lot" watching our sliding door act 'erratically.' I told him it was probably off track or had water on the sensor from where it has been raining and that I would take a look at it. Apparently this was not good enough because he informed me that if I didn't fix it, the motor would burn out and then we wouldn't have a door to open or close anymore. I'm sorry, but are doors irreplaceable now or am I just supposed to know everything in the magical world of electricity. Maybe I should give Bill Nye a call. (BTW, it was just water on the sensor and a cleaning cloth fixed the problem)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lame Patron Humor

Me: Can I help you?
Patron: I'm beyond help, but I do have a question.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Hunger Games

Have you read this book? If not, you have until March 23 to catch up with the rest of us. Endicott recommended this book to me this past fall and I didn't know if I'd like it because the cover just wasn't speaking to me. However, once I picked it up, I didn't put it down, now my mom is hooked and it won't be too long before my dad is either (hello can we say "Harry Potter?). And as a side note, I will be blessing/cursing my next pet with the name Katniss. And just in case you want a peek a boo into the games, here you go :) Enjoy!

I still can't get over how great this book was. If you like King you should pick it up. For all you audiobook listeners, hopefully we'll get it in that format too. For now here's a link (I hope) to an interview that he did. I listened to the first ten minutes of it and found it interesting. I need to go back and listen to the whole thing. One question the interviewer asked King was about his choice of title. King explained that to his generation, November 22, 1963 was like the current generation's 9/11. It's just a date that everyone recognized and immediately knew what it referred to. I'm sure I'll learn more interesting facts when I finish listening to the interview.
Stephen King interview on Q

A past life.......

The days are getting shorter, the nights longer and I still don't feel like I get enough sleep. This has me sure that I must have been a bear in a past life.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Hangman's Daughter

Are you tired of all the vampires and young adult fiction? Don't get me wrong, I'm loving FYA but every once in awhile I need something...more. This book first caught my eye because of the cool cover and curious title. The book is set in Bavaria in the mid 1600s and shows how one town reacts to accusations of witchcraft against their local midwife after a child is found dead with a questionable mark on his shoulder. The main character is the Hangman himself. He and his family are shunned by the town but at the same time he is afforded a certain amount of respect, probably out of fear. He is certain that the midwife is innocent of any wrong-doing and so begins to investigate the death. This book is a mystery story at it's core and leaves you guessing right until the end.

I really liked this book and I think it had a lot to do with the setting. I can't remember reading a book set in the middle ages, unless you count fantasy books which usually have settings that emulate the era. The Hangman is a fascinating character and I enjoyed reading about how he approached the profession, and what the profession was like at this time.

This feels like a fifth grade book report but I don't have much more to say about the book. I just wanted everyone to be aware that it's out there in our library!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sometimes we need education too!

While fighting for the education of America is great, we humble librarians need some schooling ourselves. Just yesterday while filling out a holds notification, I got distracted by a phone call and instead of inserting the customer name, I wrote the book title on the name line. So my letter began something like this: "Dear Child of Darkness, we have the item you requested through this date, Thank you, The Library." Who wants to be thought of as the spawn of Satan. "Sorry Mrs. Child of Darkness, but we really don't like you or your attitude, please return to the pit from whence you came." Could you imagine that typo not being caught and a customer actually receiving it? It really pays to have spell check and to proofread EVERYTHING you write.