Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

'Cause Baby I'm (NOT!) the Taxman

I know we all really, REALLY hate tax season, but since death and taxes are the only certain things in life, we get to roll with it. At least the government is nice enough to give some of us money that we get to turn around and give to someone else straight away. Anyway, that's not what this is about.

imgres.jpgWhen someone, say a nice community group, offers to fill out and file your taxes for you at no charge and deal with all your drama, be polite to them (for doing the work) and me(for having to deal with your drama). See the following list of niceties that could get you farther in life (and maybe you won't be strangled):

1. I am NOT an accountant, I do not know what you did with your money or where it went or how you will get it back, so stop asking.
2. I did NOT employee you last year, so I CANNOT give you a W-2 no matter how many times you think I can. My co-workers cannot help you either.
3. I am NOT a grief counselor and cannot offer you hope that your mean and nasty ex-husband might want to share his tax return.
4. I am NOT a psychic, I do NOT know if the real taxman will take your refund to repay your left over bills.
5. I am only an anger management specialist when it comes to my own attitude. Continue to yell at me, and you might just meet my mean side. (Probably not, because I don't like stooping to your psycho level).
6. A pre-registration time means they will try to fit you in at that time. I have absolutely NO control over whether or not they will get you in.
7. On the same note, when the tax specialist puts names from the previous day on today's list, I CANNOT help you. Again, I have NO control over who they see and when.
8. When I tell you that your packet has a list included of what items you need to bring, do not ask: "Do I need my social security card? or my driver's license?" "I GAVE YOU A LIST" (Who can tell me where that quote is from?)
9. Please do NOT call the front desk and ask to talk to the tax lady. I CANNOT transfer you to the meeting room because their is NO phone back there. And no, I CANNOT go back there and ask them your question because I am doing my job setting the desk and answering the phone. Come see them, don't call.

and last but not least...


P.S. please wear real clothes to your appointment, or better yet when you go anywhere out in public. Thank you!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

When Teenagers Attack!

How many times have you caught yourself wanting to say 'you meddling kids?' Lately, for me, myself, and I its been too many.(I think my generation gap is showing as Carol Brady would tell her husband.)

I went to see 'The Woman in Black' last Friday with some of my awesome friends and we were having a great time during the previews (weird, right? because who likes to watch those things anyway?) So we're laughing and carrying on when a 17ish girl walks in with her beau and their 3 (you read me correctly, 3) year old daughter and her blankie. Are you that selfish that you need to subject your small child to a horror film, thus scaring her for life (causing her to hate you the way I hate my aunt for making me watch 'The Gremlins' when I was 5) and ruin my awesome girl's night out?

So of course, 15 minutes into the movie, they have to leave because she's already crying (I've already jumped 5 or 6 times myself, to the immense amusement of my friends-I love you all!). Note to crazies, next time find one of your many classmates to babysit. You must have at least 25 people in each of your classes. Don't ruin my good time.

Secondly, I hate it when teens run around the outside of the theater hanging on each others necks and words, making me want to hang myself. It's after 10pm, do you know who your child's making out with? Because my eyes are melting from the sight of it. The worst is when one girl thinks a boy is cute, but she makes her friend go and tell him. Woman up and do the work yourself why don't ya, because in a few years, it'll be your friend who gets the guy because she's brave enough to talk to him. (This being the voice of the girl having to do her friend's 'go-for' work.)

Tune in, in a few days for my review on the movie and book. Oh, and by the way, my teen will never be allowed outside of my home past the hour of 9pm, although I am also considering hiring Robert De Niro as my watchdog :)